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How to avoid dry skin from washing your hands too often
Handwashing. We can all agree that it has become the mantra repeated over and over again by doctors and health authorities, who enforce the importance of this simple measure to prevent spreading multiple illnesses. As they recommend, we must do it with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and, if there is no […]
Helping picky eaters with Sequential Oral Sensory Approach
“My child is a picky eater, should I be worried?” Many children are picky eaters and will expand their diets as they grow and develop. However, the real concern is children who are not just picky eaters but those who are problem feeders. Current research shows that most problem feeders have underlying deficits including motor- […]
Importance of Tummy Time for Babies
What is Tummy Time? Tummy Time is the time during the day your baby spends on their tummy while they are awake. Since the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends Back to Sleep, spending time on their tummy while awake is crucial for baby’s development. Tummy Time Basics Why does my baby need Tummy Time? […]