The Benefits of Tutoring and How It Helps Students | TES
the benefits of tutoring for students of all ages

The Undeniable Benefits of Tutoring and How It Helps Your Students

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Picture yourself in this scenario: you’re a parent and it’s your child’s first day of school. You send them off with a backpack full of supplies and a lunchbox packed with their favorite foods. You watch them walk through the doors of the school and you can’t help but feel a little anxious.

Will they make friends?

Will they be able to find their way around the school?

Will they be able to keep up with their studies?

As a parent, it’s natural to want the best for your child. One of the best things you can do for them is to ensure that they have access to quality education. But what happens when your child isn’t doing well in school and they’re struggling to keep up with their studies?

When it comes to education, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every student is different and requires varying approaches to learning. While some kids manage to be more self-directed, others may be struggling and need a little extra help to succeed.

That’s where tutoring comes in. Tutoring provides students with the guidance and personal attention they need to succeed in school.

Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of tutoring and how it can give your student a fighting chance.

Statistics on Tutoring Effectiveness

Understanding the available studies on tutoring effectiveness will give you a better idea of how it can benefit your child.

The Demand for Private Tutoring is Massive

According to a report done by the Pew Research Center, the number of students receiving tutoring services has increased significantly over the past few years, mostly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 1-in-5 upper-income parents have hired a tutor to help their child with distance learning while improving their language, math, and reading skills.

Tutoring Has Been Shown to Increase Test Scores by 12%

A study conducted by the San Bernadino Valley College showed that students who receive face-to-face tutoring classes see an average increase of 12% in their standardized test. 

They have been also shown to outperform untutored peers across 45 out of 52 academic subjects, including math, biology, computer science, and chemistry. What’s more, students who were being tutored surpassed their non-tutored peers by nearly 90%. Eight-out-of-ten students who receive tutoring get better grades. Students who have tutoring are more likely to earn higher GPAs and graduate from college.

Benefits of Tutoring

Tutoring has been proven to be an effective way to help students improve their grades and test scores. There’s more to life than grades and tests and school, though, and tutoring has other benefits that can help your child develop into a healthy, well-rounded adult. Here are some of the other benefits tutoring can give your child:

The Student Receives One-on-One Attention

A typical classroom setting can be chaotic, where one teacher juggles the attention of 30 students. It’s no wonder that some students tend to get lost in the shuffle. However one of the benefits of one-on-one tutoring is that your child is the sole focus of the tutor. This allows for a more personalized approach to learning and caters to your child’s specific needs and learning style.

The Learning Process Happens in a Stress-Free Environment

Not all students cope well in a classroom environment. They may feel pressure to keep up with their peers or they may feel like they’re not meeting their teachers’ expectations. Regardless, a benefit of private tutoring is the focus is on them and their needs. This makes for a more relaxed learning environment where your child can learn at their own pace without feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and even frustrated.

Improves the Student’s Attitude Towards Learning

When students are struggling in school, it’s natural for them to develop a negative attitude towards learning because they feel like they’re not good enough. Thankfully, one of the advantages of tutoring is that it helps them see that they’re making progress which can help change their mindset towards learning. They’ll start to see it as a positive and fun experience instead of a frightening chore.

Students Create Better Study Habits

To become better students, they need to form structured study habits. A private tutor will help your child learn how to focus, be organized, and set goals. Building these positive habits at a young age will not only help them succeed academically but in their future careers as well.

Improves Academic Performance

In a meritocratic society, the importance of tutoring has never been more evident. Academic performance is often linked to future success. That’s why it’s important to give your child every advantage you can.

Also, as shown by the statistics, tutoring has been linked to better grades, higher test scores, and even improved attitudes toward learning.

Encourages Self-Directed Learning

Taking the initiative to seek help when they’re stumbling is a fundamental quality for your child to have. It shows that they’re willing to take responsibility for their education and their success.

Tutoring is a great way to encourage self-motivated learning because it gives them the chance to seek out help on their terms. This can lead to a lifelong love of learning and a desire to continue growing and expanding their knowledge.

Prepares Your Student for College and the Workforce

The importance of tutoring doesn’t stop when your child graduates from high school. It can even help them prepare for college and their future career.

A benefit of tutoring in college can help your child continue to hone their study skills, learn how to manage their time, and develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills they’ll need in college and beyond.

It can also allow them to explore different career options and get started on their path to success.

Identify Learning Difficulties

Learning difficulties should never be ignored. It can rob a child of their confidence and love for learning. The sooner they’re identified and diagnosed, the sooner you can give your student the support they need. A tutor who specializes in helping kids with special needs can offer the necessary support and accommodations they need to succeed.

Whether they have an autism spectrum disorder or a specific learning disability, a tutor can help them overcome their challenges and achieve their full potential.

Improved Confidence and Self-Esteem

Children are often very self-conscious and face a lot of pressure to fit in at a young age. They’re worried about what their classmates think of them and whether or not they’re “smart enough.” This can lead to a lot of anxiety and stress.

Tutoring can help improve your child’s confidence and self-esteem by giving them the chance to thrive in a safe and supportive environment. As they see their grades improve and their skills develop, they’ll start to feel better about themselves.

This newfound confidence can carry over into other areas of their life, such as their social life and extracurricular activities.

How To Know If Your Child Needs a Tutor

Keeping an eye out for signs that your child is struggling in school can help you decide whether or not they need a tutor.

Common Signs Your Child Could Benefit from Tutoring

  • Their grades are gradually falling
  • They’re having difficulty understanding and completing their assignments
  • They’re starting to lose interest in school
  • They seem anxious, stressed, or unmotivated about school
  • They procrastinate or avoid doing their homework
  • Despite studying, they’re still not doing well on tests or quizzes

While every child can benefit from tutoring, if you notice any of these signs, you must take action right away. The sooner you get your child the help they need, the better their chances of success will be.

Find the Right Tutor for Your Child

The benefits of tutoring are evident. From improving academic performance to increasing self-esteem, tutoring can have a profound and lasting impact on your child’s life.

It’s important to remember that not all tutors are created equal. When looking for a tutor, be sure to find one who is experienced, qualified, and has a proven track record of success.

You should also make sure that they’re a good fit for your child’s personality and learning style. Only then will you be able to reap the full benefits of one-on-one tutoring.

Get started by checking out our expert tutoring services that focus on helping kids overcome their various barriers. Contact us today and give your child the gift of a brighter and more successful future.


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