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What Is a School Social Worker? | Total Education Solutions
Social work is a crucial but demanding job, so social workers have to be passionate about what they do and genuinely care about the children and people they help. School social workers are often the last line of defense for problematic students between an average, successful education and placement in at-risk programs. Social workers are […]

How Special Needs Students Have Benefited from Pandemic Pods
COVID-19 disrupted the fundamental pillars of our society, causing us to rethink how we live. The way we work, the way we communicate, and the way we teach our children. When in-person schooling became unsafe in 2020, families and educators banded together to form an innovative new solution: COVID pods – small groups of students […]

Common School Health Screenings And How They Help Kids
Health screenings play an integral part in children’s development and well-being. Because childhood health problems can eventually develop into chronic adult conditions, the tests, checkups, and thorough screenings that students are given in school can help detect potential health problems and improve the overall health of every student. What Are School Health Screenings? Among other things, […]