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Disaster Preparedness for Special Needs Kids and Adults
When planning for emergencies, it’s crucial to recognize that individuals with special needs—whether children or adults—may require extra attention and preparation. Emergencies such as natural disasters, power outages, or evacuations can be especially challenging for families and caregivers. Having a well-thought-out emergency preparedness plan can make all the difference. In this guide, we’ll cover essential […]

4th of July: Creating a Sensory-Friendly Experience
For many of us, Independence Day is a holiday we look forward to. We take a long weekend filled with parties, cookouts, and, of course, fireworks! The smell of the grill, the sight of large crowds gathered together, and the thrilling lights and sounds of the fireworks shows spectacular finish are just some reasons we […]

Self-Care for Parents of a Neurodivergent Child
Parenting is an incredibly rewarding journey filled with moments of joy, laughter, and profound love. However, it’s also one of the most challenging roles anyone can take. From the sleepless nights of infancy to navigating the complex emotional landscapes of adolescence, each phase of a child’s development brings its own set of trials and triumphs. […]

Sensory-Friendly Halloween Costumes for Kids with ASD
Halloween is a fun-filled time of year universally loved by kids across America. The costumes, candy, and late-night shenanigans allow kids to create happy and fun-filled memories – but it’s not necessarily like that for everyone. The eerie lights of Jack-o-Lanterns, spooky sounds of haunted houses, itchy costumes, and hard-to-breathe-in plastic masks can be hard […]