What is Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI)?
Specialized Academic Instruction focuses on the instruction of students with special needs, ensuring their success in a general education program by addressing learning challenges and barriers in addition to behavioral, and social-emotional needs. Through SAI, students are provided direct instruction one-on-one or in small groups, either in a resource room or the general education classroom.
Our Resource Specialist Teachers
An SAI teacher may be referred to as a Resource Specialist Teacher (RST) or Education Specialist. An Education Specialist/RST holds a valid state-issued credential and has completed a teacher preparation program that ensures mastery and understanding of teaching skills, standards, data and assessment, special education law, and disabilities. Specialized Academic Instructors may be responsible for direct instructional service minutes, case management/IEP process, academic assessments and/or the delivery and oversight of compensatory education minutes.
Education Specialists learn how to support individuals with disabilities in accessing the general education curriculum through specialized academic support, following all federal, state and local law.
How SAI Benefits Students
Specialized Academic Instruction ensures students receive targeted support to provide access to the general education curriculum. An IEP team may determine that a student requires additional academic instruction which will support the student in learning skills to help them be more successful in their general education or specialized setting.
Our Experts are Experienced in
TES’ approach to Specialized Academic Instruction
How do we make learning fun?
We individualize instruction and keep students engaged and having fun while learning. We do this by meeting the student where they are academically, individualizing instruction, playing games, having brain breaks, and connecting with students by knowing their interests.
How do we work as a team?
We collaborate as teachers and related service providers to draw support from each other. By doing so we are more effective in supporting the students we work with and supporting the child’s overall growth and well-being.
How do we include the family and school?
We include both the family and school by collaborating and providing them with data that demonstrates student growth. We also inform parents and teachers of different techniques they can use at home/school to support their child’s needs as well as help them better understand the impact of disabilities on learning.
FAQs About SAI
Our Therapists' Credentials
SAI Credential Proccess
In California, the credentialing process has two steps:
Level 1
A preliminary credential is valid for only five years. The following requirements must be met to obtain the preliminary credential:
Obtain a baccalaureate degree
Satisfy the basic skills requirement (CBEST)
Satisfy the subject-matter competence requirement (CSET)
Pass the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA)
Complete a course or pass an examination on the U.S. Constitution
Complete a Commission-approved Education Specialist Instruction Credential program
Level 2
To obtain a clear credential, you must complete one of the following options before the preliminary credential expires
Complete a Commission-approved teacher induction program and submit the application for the clear credential through the Induction program sponsor. Program sponsors are often public or private colleges/universities, and school districts.
Obtain a National Board of Professional Teaching Standards certification