Developmental Screening 19 Months - 2 Years (24 Months) - Total Education Solutions

Developmental Screening 19 Months – 2 Years (24 Months)

Welcome to your Developmental Screening 19 Months - 2 Years (24 Months)

My child can kick a ball

My child is starting to run

My child is starting to jump

My child walks up steps with handrail independently

My child can walk backward independently

My child can jump down from step or stool

My child begins to sort shapes and colors

My child builds towers of 4 or more blocks

My child makes or copies straight lines and circles

My child puts on and takes off a pull over shirt

My child can take off their own shoes

My child points to pictures or things in a book by name

My child follows simple directions

My child follows 2-part instructions, such as “Pick up your coat and give it to me.”

My child plays simple make-believe games

My child says 2 to 4 words together

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